최근 공석정보

Intellectual Property EPM (WePerform) Support Manager, WIPO ( P-4 )       스크랩

최근 공석정보 상세내용
분야 Intellectual Property(지식재산)
직책 EPM (WePerform) Support Manager
기구 WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization / 세계지식재산기구)
직급 P-4
학력 석사이상
마감일 2024-09-04
근무지 Switzerland ( Geneva )
경력 7 년 이상
연결 URL https://wipo.taleo.net/careersection/wp_2/jobdetail.ftl?job=24279-TA&tz=GMT%2B09%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FSeoul
The EPM (WePerform) Support Manager role is located in the Program Performance and Budget Division (PPBD), Department of Program Planning and Finance. The Program Performance and Budget Division is responsible for facilitating the planning and budgeting, implementation and monitoring, and assessment of the performance of WIPO's programs in accordance with WIPO's Results-Based Management (RBM) framework and the Financial Regulations and Rules. This work is underpinned by the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) System.
본 정보의 바로접근 주소 https://unrecruit.mofa.go.kr/vacancy/latest_vacancy_view.jsp?seq=27032