최근 공석정보

Intellectual Property Senior Data Scientist, WIPO ( P-4 )       스크랩

최근 공석정보 상세내용
분야 Intellectual Property(지식재산)
직책 Senior Data Scientist
기구 WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization / 세계지식재산기구)
직급 P-4
학력 석사이상
마감일 2024-09-11
근무지 Switzerland ( Geneva )
경력 7 년 이상
연결 URL https://wipo.taleo.net/careersection/wp_2/jobdetail.ftl?job=24276-FT_LT&tz=GMT%2B09%3A00&tzname=Asia%2FSeoul
The post is in the Information and Communication Technology Department (ICTD) of Administration, Finance and Management Sector.

The Information and Communication Technology Department (ICTD) is responsible for the digital, data, and technology transformation of the Organization, with a focus on service quality, efficiency, security, and sustainability. To support the achievement of WIPO's vision, the Department is leading the development and execution of the Organization's Infotech strategy, which aims at enabling our internal and external customers' success through Infotech excellence.

The Department provides its customers with shared Infotech services such as program & project management, enterprise architecture, data management, digital workplace, solution hosting, and software development & maintenance of various critical systems, including Enterprise Solutions, Hague, Madrid, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Information Systems.
본 정보의 바로접근 주소 https://unrecruit.mofa.go.kr/vacancy/latest_vacancy_view.jsp?seq=27034