최근 공석정보

Peace Operations Senior Police Adviser, UN Secretariat ( P-5 )       스크랩

최근 공석정보 상세내용
분야 Peace Operations(평화활동)
직책 Senior Police Adviser
기구 UN Secretariat (United Nations Secretariat / 유엔사무국 )
직급 P-5
학력 석사이상
마감일 2024-09-09
경력 10 년 이상
공고문 UNMIK SPA- Job Opening.pdf 파일 다운로드 UNMIK SPA- Job Opening.pdf
연결 URL
Organizational Unit: United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
Duty Station: Pristina

Under the overall supervision of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), and within the limits of delegated authority, the Senior Police Adviser will be responsible for, but not limited to, the performances of the following duties:

• Provide strategic and operational advice to the SRSG and senior management of UNMIK on law enforcement issues across Kosovo.
• Analyze implications of emerging law enforcement issues and make recommendations on possible strategies and measures.
• Develop strategies and plans for the UNMIK police component that are in line with the mandate and overall strategy of UNMIK.
• Provide leadership to the UNMIK police component in a manner consistent with the core values of the United Nations, mandate and identified political strategies.
• Establish and maintain good working relations with local authorities and agencies on law enforcement and other matters related to the implementation of the Mission’s mandate.
• Liaise with UN agencies, funds, and programs as well as regional actors and organizations, and the diplomatic community in the Mission area as appropriate.
• Provide inputs for the Secretary General’s reports to the Security Council on the activities of the Mission that pertain to law enforcement matters.
• Represent the UNMIK police component at international and regional meetings as needed.
• Develop the police component’s overall strategy and related budget.
• Develop the substantive work plan for the UNMIK police component, determining priorities and allocating resources for the completion of outputs.
• Oversee and coordinate the activities of the UNMIK police component.
• Plan and allocate work assignments.
• Ensure that the activities of the UNMIK police component are carried out in a timely manner and are coordinated with the other Mission components and external partners as necessary.
• Perform other tasks as requested.

* 자세한 사항은 별첨 공고 참조
본 정보의 바로접근 주소 https://unrecruit.mofa.go.kr/vacancy/latest_vacancy_view.jsp?seq=27038