최근 공석정보

Safety Police Chief of Staff, UNMISS ( P-5 )       스크랩

최근 공석정보 상세내용
분야 Safety(안전)
직책 Police Chief of Staff
기구 UNMISS (United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan / 유엔남수단임무단)
직급 P-5
학력 석사이상
마감일 2024-10-21
근무지 South Sudan
경력 10 년 이상
공고문 JD Chief of Staff  P-5  UNMISS.pdf 파일 다운로드 JD Chief of Staff P-5 UNMISS.pdf
연결 URL
Organizational Unit United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan
Duty Station Juba

In compliance with the UN mandate and under the supervision and substantive guidance of the Deputy Police Commissioner, the Chief of Staff will be responsible for the administrative and logistic support of the UN Police component in its performing mandated tasks. The Chief of Staff will in particular coordinate the work of respective sections in the areas of human resources management, logistics, fleet maintenance, legal advisory, disciplinary issues, public relations and induction training for the new UNPOL arrivals. Within the limits of delegated authority, the Chief of Staff will be responsible for, but not limited to, the performance of the following duties:

• Managing respective UN Police Headquarters sections under his/her command.
• Maintaining and implementing administrative policy directives, plans and orders of the Police Commissioner, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOP); preparing and publishing informational bulletins on new directives and instructions requiring the attention of all UN Police officers.
• Supervising human resource management process: assisting in the determination of the appropriate assignments and providing recommendations to the Deputy Police Commissioner on the timely appointment of suitable personnel to key non-professional positions prior to the time when they become vacant.
• Overseeing and monitoring the deployment of individual police officers and allocation of related resources to meet operational requirements.
• Ensuring the planning of staff rotations, tour of duty extensions, leave and CTO; coordinating and overseeing the movement of personnel (MOP) within the Mission and outside the Mission.
• Maintaining an UNPOL Records Archival process and system, including the personnel record filing system; ensuring that all projects, programs and related communications are properly recorded, archived,
accessible and maintained for posterity for future reference or use by UNPOL or the Mission.

* 자세한 사항은 별첨 공고 참조
본 정보의 바로접근 주소 https://unrecruit.mofa.go.kr/vacancy/latest_vacancy_view.jsp?seq=27039