- A 경제협력개발기구 (OECD) / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- A 구유고전범재판소 (ICTY) / International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- A 국제공무원위원회 (ICSC) / International Civil Service Commission
- A 국제노동기구 (ILO) / International Labour Organization
- A 국제농업개발기금 (IFAD) / International Fund for Agricultural Development
- A 국제무역센터 (ITC) / International Trade Centre
- A 국제문화재보존복구연구센터 (ICCROM) / International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
- A 국제민간항공기구 (ICAO) / International Civil Aviation Organization
- A 국제백신연구소 (IVI) / International Vaccine Institute
- A 국제사법재판소 (ICJ) / International Court of Justice
- A 국제에너지기구 (IEA) / International Energy Agency
- A 국제열대목재기구 (ITTO) / International Tropical Timber Organization
- A 국제원자력기구 (IAEA) / International Atomic Energy Agency
- A 국제유류오염보상기금 (IOPC Funds) / International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds
- A 국제이주기구 (IOM) / International Organization for Migration
- A 국제재생에너지기구 (IRENA) / International Renewable Energy Agency
- A 국제재해경감전략기구 (UNISDR) / International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- A 국제적십자사·적신월사연맹 (IFRC) / International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- A 국제적십자위원회 (ICRC) / International Committee of the Red Cross
- A 국제전기통신연합 (ITU) / International Telecommunication Union
- A 국제통화기금 (IMF) / International Monetary Fund
- A 국제해사기구 (IMO) / International Maritime Organization
- A 국제해양법재판소 (ITLOS) / International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- A 국제핵융합실험로 (ITER) / International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
- A 국제형사재판소 (ICC) / International Criminal Court
- A 국제형사재판소 잔무처리기구 (IRMCT) / International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
- A 글로벌녹색성장연구소 (GGGI) / Global Green Growth Institute
- A 녹색기후기금 (GCF) / Green Climate Fund
- A 대서양참치보존위원회 (ICCAT) / International for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- A 르완다국제형사재판소 (ICTR) / International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- A 만국우편연합 (UPU) / Universal Postal Union
- A 미얀마독립조사기구 (IIMM) / Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar
- A 미주개발은행 (IDB) / Inter-American Development Bank
- A 상주조정시스템 (RCS) / Resident Coordinator System
- A 세계관광기구 (UN Tourism) / United Nations Tourism
- A 세계관세기구 (WCO) / World Customs Organization
- A 세계기상기구 (WMO) / World Meteorological Organization
- A 세계동물보건기구 (WOAH) / World Organisation for Animal Health
- A 세계무역기구 (WTO) / World Trade Organization
- A 세계보건기구 (WHO) / World Health Organization
- A 세계은행그룹 (WBG) / World Bank Group
- A 세계지식재산기구 (WIPO) / World Intellectual Property Organization
- A 시에라레온특별재판소 (SCSL) / The Special Court for Sierra Leone
- A 아시아개발은행 (ADB) / Asian Development Bank
- A 아시아인프라투자은행 (AIIB) / Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- A 아시아태평양경제협력체 (APEC) / Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- A 아프리카개발은행 (AfDB) / African Development Bank
- A 아프리카연합 유엔사무소 (UNOAU) / United Nations Office to the African Union
- A 유럽부흥개발은행 (EBRD) / European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- A 유엔개발계획 (UNDP) / United Nations Development Programme
- A 유엔개발조정국 (DCO) / United Nations Development Coordination Office
- A 유엔교육과학문화기구 (UNESCO) / United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- A 유엔국제상거래법위원회 (UNCITRAL) / United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
- A 유엔군축실 (ODA) / Office for Disarmament Affairs
- A 유엔글로벌콤팩트 (UNGCO) / United Nations Global Compact Office
- A 유엔기후변화협약사무국 (UNFCCC) / United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- A 유엔나이로비사무소 (UNON) / United Nations Office at Nairobi
- A 유엔난민최고대표사무소 (UNHCR) / United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- A 유엔남수단임무단 (UNMISS ) / United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan
- A 유엔대테러사무국 (CTED) / Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate
- A 유엔대테러실 (UNOCT) / United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
- A 유엔대학 (UNU) / United Nations University
- A 유엔마약범죄사무소 (UNODC) / United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- A 유엔무역개발회의 (UNCTAD) / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- A 유엔문명동맹 (UNAOC) / United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
- A 유엔비엔나사무소 (UNOV) / United Nations Office at Vienna
- A 유엔사막화방지협약 (UNCCD) / United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- A 유엔사무국 (UN Secretariat) / United Nations Secretariat
- A 유엔사무국 경제사회국 (DESA) / Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- A 유엔사무국 공보국 (DPI) / Department of Public Information
- A 유엔사무국 공보국 (DGC) / Department of Global Communications
- A 유엔사무국 내부감사실 (OIOS) / Office of Internal Oversight Services
- A 유엔사무국 법률실 (OLA) / Office of Legal Affairs
- A 유엔사무국 안전보안국 (DSS) / Department of Safety and Security
- A 유엔사무국 운영전략·정책·감사국 (DMSPC) / Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance
- A 유엔사무국 운영지원국 (DOS) / Department of Operational Support
- A 유엔사무국 정무국 (DPA) / Department of Political Affairs
- A 유엔사무국 정무평화구축국 (DPPA) / Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
- A 유엔사무국 총회회의운영국 (DGACM) / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
- A 유엔사무국 평화유지활동국 (DPKO ) / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
- A 유엔사무국 평화활동국 (DPO) / Department of Peace Operations
- A 유엔사무국 현장지원국 (DFS) / Department of Field Support
- A 유엔사무총장 기술특사실 (OSET) / Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology
- A 유엔산업개발기구 (UNIDO) / United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- A 유엔상주조정실 (RCO) / Resident Coordinator Offices
- A 유엔서아시아경제사회위원회 (ESCWA) / Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- A 유엔세계식량계획 (WFP) / United Nations World Food Programme
- A 유엔식량농업기구 (FAO) / United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
- A 유엔아동기금 (UNICEF) / United Nations Children's Fund
- A 유엔아시아태평양경제사회위원회 (ESCAP) / Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
- A 유엔아프가니스탄지원사절단 (UNAMA) / United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
- A 유엔아프리카경제위원회 (ECA) / Economic Commission for Africa
- A 유엔아프리카자문관실 (OSAA) / Office of the Special Adviser on Africa
- A 유엔안전보안국 (UNDSS) / Department of Safety and Security
- A 유엔에이즈계획 (UNAIDS) / The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
- A 유엔여성기구 (UN Women) / United Nations Women
- A 유엔연구사업소 (UNOPS) / United Nations Office for Project Services
- A 유엔우주업무사무소 (UNOOSA) / United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
- A 유엔유럽경제위원회 (ECE) / Economic Commission for Europe
- A 유엔윤리사무소 (UNEO) / United Nations Ethics Office
- A 유엔이라크지원단사무소 (UNAMI) / United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq
- A 유엔인간정주계획 (UN-HABITAT) / United Nations Human Settlements Programme
- A 유엔인구기금 (UNFPA) / United Nations Population Fund
- A 유엔인권최고대표사무소 (OHCHR) / Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- A 유엔인도적지원조정실 (OCHA) / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- A 유엔자본개발기금 (UNCDF) / United Nations Capital Development Fund
- A 유엔자원봉사단 (UNV) / United Nations Volunteers
- A 유엔재난위험경감사무국 (UNDRR) / United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
- A 유엔제네바사무소 (UNOG) / United Nations Office at Geneva
- A 유엔중남미경제위원회 (ECLAC) / Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- A 유엔지역간범죄처벌조사기관 (UNICRI) / United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
- A 유엔직원합동연금기금 (UNJSPF) / United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
- A 유엔참모양성학교 (UNSSC) / United Nations System Staff College
- A 유엔청년사무소 (UNYO) / United Nations Youth Office
- A 유엔최빈내륙군소도서개발도상국 최고위대표실 (UN-OHRLLS) / United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
- A 유엔팔레스타인난민구호기구 (UNRWA) / United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- A 유엔합동감사단 (JIU) / Joint Inspection Unit
- A 유엔환경계획 (UNEP) / United Nations Environment Program
- A 유엔훈련연구기구 (UNITAR) / United Nations Institute for Training and Research
- A 정보커뮤니케이션기술사무소 (OICT) / Office of Information and Communications Technology
- A 최고조정이사회 (CEB) / Chief Executives Board for Coordination
- A 포괄적핵실험금지기구 (CTBTO) / Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
- A 한중일3국협력사무국 (TCS) / Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat
- A 헤이그국제사법회의 (HCCH ) / Hague Conference on Private International Law
- A 화학무기금지기구 (OPCW) / Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon