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국제기구채용정보 :  JPO 근무경험담
제 3기 : 유경희 제 7기 : 채수은박혜진김태현
제 8기 : 이혜승박세은김아영김수현
제 9기 : 이수연이현지
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제13기 : 김수지
제14기 : 형수진박유진김민지
김민지 (2010년도 제14기 JPO)
1. JPO 파견
기간: 2011.3.19 -
기관: International Labour Office (국제노동기구) 제네바 본부
부서: International Labour Migration Programme, MIGRANT (국제노동이주 프로그램)
2. 기관/부서 개요
가. International Labour Office 개요
업무 내용:
The International Labour Office, whose headquarters is based in Geneva, Switzerland, is the secretariat to the International Labour Organisation and is the venue for the International Labour Conference (usually held sometime in June every year) and ILO Governing Body meetings. The International Labour Organisation is a UN speciailised agency founded in 1919 with a mandate to protect and improve the working conditions and labour rights of all workers, even when employed in countries other than their own (See ILO Constitution Preamble ) by setting standards via its tripartite (Governments, workers' and employers' organisations) social dialogue governing structure and technical cooperation projects in the field. In the most recent ILC (ILC June 2011), Convention 189 concerning Domestic Workers and its accompanying recommendation was adopted; migrant domestic workers are also covered by this Convention. The ILO operates in conformity with the Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which, adopted in 1998, commits Member States to respect and promote principles and rights in four categories, whether or not they have ratified the relevant Conventions. These categories are: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining (Convention 87 and 98), the elimination of forced or compulsory labour (Convention 29 and 105), the aboliton of child labour (Convention 138 and 182), and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation (Convention 100 and 111). Membership in the ILO is contingent on the ratification of at least of one these conventions. The Office specifically follows a Decent Work Agenda in all its activities that prioritises the creation of decent jobs, guaranteeing rights at work, extending social protection and promoting social dialogue.

The ILO approaches labour migration from a labour market and decent work perspective in line with the overarching framework of its Decent Work for All agenda. International migration for work can be a positive experience for many migration workers, however many suffer poor working and living conditions, including low wages, unsafe working environments, lack of coverage of social protection schemes, often denial of freedom of association and workers' rights, discrimination and xenophobia. Despite a demonstrated demand for workers, numerous immigration barriers persist in destination countries, which results in an increasing proportion of people migrating through irregular channels.

Despite international standards to protect migrants, their rights as workers are too often undermined, especially if their status is irregular.
To address these challenges, the International Labour Conference in a general discussion on migrant workers in 2004, called upon the ILO and its constituents to carry out a plan of action, in partnership with other international organisations.
The components of this plan of action are:
1. Development of a non-binding multilateral framework for a rights-based approach to labour migration, which takes into account labour market needs, and proposes guidelines and principles for policies based on best practices and international standards;
2. Wider application of international labour standards and other relevant instruments;
3. Support for implementation of the ILO Global Employment Agenda at national level;
4. Capacity building, awareness raising and technical assistance;
5. Strengthening social dialogue;
6. Improving the information and knowledge base.
The International Migration Branch (MIGRANT) is the mainstream unit responsible for labour migration in the ILO. International labour migration is a multidisciplinary issue that cuts across all the four major sectors of ILO's work. The specific vulnerabilities of migrant workers during the migration process and while in the country of destination place them at a heightened risk of violation of their fundamental rights. Through technical cooperation projects, ILO seeks to strengthen the capacities of governments, employers' and workers' organizations, and other relevant stakeholders' to deal with a wide range of labour migration issues. These include the protection of the rights of migrant workers, governance (developing and implementing gender-sensitive labour migration policies); social security (extending coverage for migrant workers and their families); skills development and recognition; financial and social remittances and increased awareness of the linkage between labour migration policy and wider domestic labour market policies.

MIGRANT represents the ILO in debates and forums on international migration at the global level such as the Global Migration Group (GMG).
ILO adopts a rights-based approach to labour migration and promotes tripartite participation in migration policy. It provides advisory services to member states, promotes international standards, provides a tripartite forum for consultations, serves as a global knowledge base, and provides technical assistance and capacity-building to constituents. ILO is the only UN agency with a constitutional mandate for the protection of migrant workers. There are two ILO Conventions specifically covering migrant workers, namely the Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949(No. 97) and the Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143). All international labour standards apply to all workers irrespective of their nationality or immigration status, unless otherwise stated. The ILO Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration, which was adopted by a tripartite Meeting of Experts in November/December 2005 and approved by the ILO Governing Body in March 2006, provides principles and guidelines on labour migration policy and aims to improve governance of migration, encompassing protection of migrant workers and promoting development linkages.
3. JPO 활동 개요
가. JPO 업무 내용
- Backstopping of ILO activities and migration trends in the Asia-Pacific region for Geneva
- Supporting other MIGRANT colleagues and the director in their activities and publications, with
special attention to activities in youth employment and migration and circular/temporary migration
- Supporting the re-organisation and updating of the MIGRANT website

나. 지난 6개월간의 업무 내용
- Drafted and circulated written contribution on youth employment and migration at the 2011 GMG
- In the midst of contributing support and overseeing the drafting of the final report on a big research
project on the migration of youth funded by the Spanish government's Millennium Development
Goals Fund.
- Edited and did quality control for several of MIGRANT's policy briefs
- Gave 1-hour presentation to a visiting delegation of the Korean Presbyterian Council on the work of
the ILO and MIGRANT as well as a comparative analysis of migrants in Switzerland versus
migrants in Korea.
- Putting together a presentation on migrants' health and well-being to be presented by MIGRANT's
director at the European Commission symposium on 21 September.
Smith College 국제관계 전공(부전공: 프랑스학)
École normale supérieure 법률이론과 분석 전공(석사)
2010년도 제14기 JPO 선발 시험 합격
2011.3 - ILO 본부 근무 중